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Issue #15, March 2024

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  • Joan Mazza has worked as a medical microbiologist, psychotherapist, and seminar leader. She is the author of six self-help psychology books, including "Dreaming Your Real Self" (Penguin/Putnam), and her poetry has appeared in Atlanta Review, The Comstock Review, The MacGuffin, Prairie Schooner, North Dakota Quarterly, Poet Lore, Slant, and The Nation. She lives in rural central Virginia.

  • Rachel Stempel is a queer Ukrainian-Jewish poet represented by Danielle Burby at Mad Woman Literary. She is the author of the chapbooks "Interiors," winner of the 2021 Wallace Award from Foundlings Press, "BEFORE THE DESIRE TO EAT" (Finishing Line Press), and "Dear Abbey" (Bottlecap Press), and her work has appeared recently in Denver Quarterly, Hayden's Ferry Review, and Minnesota Review. She lives in Binghamton with her rabbit, Diego.

  • Ronald J. Pelias spent most of his career writing books, e.g., "If the Truth Be Told" (Brill Publications), "The Creative Qualitative Researcher" (Routledge), and "Lessons on Aging and Dying" (Routledge), that call upon the literary as a research strategy. Now he writes for the pleasures and frustrations of putting words to the page.

  • Karen Schnurstein’s poetry can be found in print and online publications such as Bi Women Quarterly, New Feathers Anthology, Steel Jackdaw, and The Dawn Review. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and resides in northern Indiana. Find out more about her and her work at

  • Esther Sadoff is a teacher and writer from Columbus, Ohio. Her poems have been featured or are forthcoming in Little Patuxent Review, Jet Fuel Review, Cathexis Poetry Northwest, Pidgeonholes, Santa Clara Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, among others. Her debut chapbooks, "Some Wild Woman" and "Serendipity in France," are forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.

  • Wendy Drexler is a 2022 recipient of an artist fellowship from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her fourth collection, "Notes from the Column of Memory," was published by Terrapin Books in September 2022. Her poems have appeared in or are forthcoming in Barrow Street, J Journal, Lily Poetry Review, Nimrod, Pangyrus, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, South Florida Poetry Review, Sugar House, The Atlanta Review, The Mid-American Review, The Hudson Review, The Sun, The Threepenny Review, and the Valparaiso Poetry Review, among others. Wendy's work has been featured on Verse Daily and WBUR’s Cognoscenti; and in numerous anthologies. She has served as the poet in residence at New Mission High School in Hyde Park, MA, from 2018-2023 and is programming co-chair for the New England Poetry Club.

  • Nadia Arioli is the cofounder and editor in chief of Thimble Literary Magazine. A three-time nominee for Best of the Net, Arioli’s poetry can be found in Cider Press Review, Rust + Moth, McNeese Review, Penn Review, Mom Egg, and elsewhere. Essays have been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize and can be found in Hunger Mountain, Heavy Feather Review, SOFTBLOW, and elsewhere. Artwork has appeared in Permafrost, Kissing Dynamite, Pithead Chapel, and Poetry Northwest. Arioli’s forthcoming collections are with Dancing Girl Press and Fernwood Press. 

  • Paul Ilechko is a British American poet and occasional songwriter who lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ. His work has appeared in many journals, including The Bennington Review, The Night Heron Barks, deLuge, Stirring, and The Inflectionist Review. He has also published several chapbooks. 

  • Molly Richmond is an aspiring writer and a New Englander at heart. When she’s not writing, she works in a museum in Cambridge, MA where she is surrounded by unique objects from all over the world and across time. Always intrigued by the past, she delights in stories wherever she goes.

  • Lorette C. Luzajic reads, writes, publishes, edits, and teaches small fictions. Her work has been published in hundreds of journals, and translated into Urdu and Spanish. She was selected for Best Small Fictions 2023. She has been nominated several times each for Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize, and Best American Food Writing. She has been shortlisted for Bath Flash Fiction and The Lascaux Review awards. Her collections of small fictions are "The Rope Artist," "The Neon Rosary," "Pretty Time Machine," and "Winter in June." Lorette is the founding editor of The Ekphrastic Review, a journal of literature inspired by art, running for almost nine years, and the brand new prose poetry journal, The Mackinaw. Lorette is also an award-winning mixed media artist, with collectors in more than 40 countries so far.

  • Fiona Skepper is a criminal law lawyer in Melbourne Australia who writes mostly short stories and travel articles. Publications include the Queen of Crime Anthology, That’s Life, The Age (travel) Newspaper, Inflight Magazines; The Stockholm Review(online) issue 13 2016; Beguiling Miss Bennet 2015, The Best of Times short story 2013, Field of Words Flash Fiction 2016, Gargouille Literary Journal Issue 5; One Hundred Voices1,2, & 3 - Centum Press Anthology, 2016/2017 and the Boroondara Literary Awards Anthology 2017 and 21D literary magazine, Close to Heaven – Stringybark Anthology 2020.

  • Keith Morris earned his BA in English and Psychology from the University of Mississippi and earned his MA in English from Mississippi State University. His poems appear in FishFood, Sonder Midwest, Cathexis Northwest, The Louisville Review, and Kairos Literary Magazine. His music appears in Hare’s Paw Literary Journal and Defunkt Magazine. He teaches English at Itawamba Community College in Fulton, MS, and lives in Tupelo, MS, with his wife and two sons.

  • Phil Coomer is inspired by his maternal grandfather Tom Dennis, a songwriter and performer in Texas circa 1940 to 1965. Phil writes songs about life and love and sets these stories and images in motion and to life in front of you. Phil’s gentle guitar fingerpicking style combined with sweet melodies fit the lead of the lyrics and blend into focused truly original songs.

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