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Issue #1, September 2021

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  • Joan Houlihan is the author of six poetry collections, including Shadow-feast and the forthcoming It Isn’t a Ghost If It Lives in Your Chest (both from Four Way), and founder of the Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference.  She is part-time Professor of Practice at Clark University and teaches in the Low-Residency MFA program at Lesley University.

  • Kimberly Casey was born and raised in Massachusetts, though she now calls Huntsville, Alabama home. She is the Founder and President of Out Loud Huntsville, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring community outreach and activism through written and spoken word. Kimberly received her MFA from Pacific University in 2021. She is the Poetry Editor of Passengers Journal. Her first full-length collection, Where the Water Begins, will be released in September 2021 through Riot in Your Throat press. Find more information on the author at

  • Robbie Gamble’s poems have appeared in the Atlanta Review, RHINO, Whale Road Review, and Rust + Moth. He was the winner of the 2017 Carve Poetry prize. He worked for many years as a nurse practitioner caring for homeless people, and now divides his time between Boston and Vermont.

  • Zac Furlough is a poet and founder of Passengers Press. His poetry addresses social inequality, capitalism, education, and modern mythology, and has been published or is forthcoming in Still: The Journal, Prometheus Dreaming, Gravitas, and Wild Roof Journal, amongst others. Zac currently directs the Writing Program at Keiser University’s Jacksonville campus. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram @furlough43.

  • Andreea Ceplinschi is a Romanian-American writer currently living on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her work has been featured online in Passengers Journal, La Piccioletta Barca, Into the Void, Prometheus Dreaming, Fly in the Head, and in print in the 2019 Prometheus Unbound finalist issue. Her poetry has won first and second place in the Filitsa Sofianou-Mullen Creative Writing Competition, 2019 and 2020, and her prose was awarded an honorable mention in the Women on Writing Q2 2021 Creative Non-Fiction Essay Competition.

  • Frances Donovan’s chapbook Mad Quick Hand of the Seashore was named a finalist in the 31st Lambda Literary Awards. Her poems and interviews have appeared in The Rumpus, Heavy Feather Review, SWWIM, Solstice, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in poetry from Lesley University, is a certified Poet Educator with Mass Poetry, and has appeared as a featured reader at numerous venues. She is a graduate of the Colrain Mountain Manuscript Conference. A poem of hers has been displayed at Boston City Hall. And she once drove a bulldozer in a GLBTQ+ Pride Parade while wearing a bustier.

  • Sarah Dickenson Snyder has written poetry since she knew there was a form with conscious line breaks. She has three poetry collections, The Human Contract (2017), Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards 2018), and With a Polaroid Camera (2019). Recently, poems appeared in Rattle, Lily Poetry Review, and RHINO. She has been a 30/30 poet for Tupelo Press, nominated for Best of Net, the Poetry Prize Winner of Art on the Trails 2020, and a 2021 Finalist and Semi-Finalist in the Iron Horse Literary Review’s National Poetry Month contest. She lives in the hills of Vermont.

  • Maolalai has been nominated eight times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, "Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden" (Encircle Press, 2016) and "Sad Havoc Among the Birds" (Turas Press, 2019)

  • Walter Weinschenk is an attorney, writer and musician. Until a few years ago, he wrote short stories exclusively but now divides his time equally between poetry and prose. Walter's writing has appeared in a number of literary publications including the Carolina Quarterly, Cathexis Northwest Press, The Gateway Review, The Closed Eye Open, The Writing Disorder, Beyond Words, The Courtship of Winds, Griffel, Grey Sparrow Journal and others. His work is due to appear in forthcoming issues of The Raw Art Review, Phantom Kangaroo, Rock Salt Journal and Iris Literary Journal. Walter lives in a suburb just outside Washington, D. C.

  • Alison Jennings is a Seattle-based poet who began to submit work after retiring from teaching. Recently, she has had over forty poems published.

  • Aaron Wallace honorably served in the U.S. Army as a combat medic. His work has been published in The American Journal of Poetry, Plume, Solstice Literary Magazine, The Deadly Writers Patrol, Typehouse Literary Magazine, and North Dakota Quarterly. Aaron’s poems have been anthologized and honored by Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors as well. His first collection, Battle Hymn of the Republic, is forthcoming from Red Mountain Press. 

  • James Colgan is an author and award-winning playwright. His short story, "Shelter," was published by the Sewanee Review in its 2016 Spring Edition. More recently, his Christmas story, "Silas in the Old Barn," was published in November of 2020, his short novel, "Going Upriver to Burnside," was released in February of 2021 by Mannison Press, and his poem, "Vigil," about the passing of his mother, was published in the Winter 2021 Edition of Months to Years literary journal. Mr. Colgan is a retired lawyer and in another lifetime was a classical guitarist who played concerts from the Tex-Mex border to the Arctic Circle.

  • Alyssa Katz is a writer living in Connecticut. Alyssa's focus is on flash essays and poetry. She has been published in professional and academic journals. Her appearance in Hare's Paw would be her first essay publication.

  • Rachel Rose Smith is a writer and copywriter from New England. Currently based in Philadelphia, PA, she primarily writes about Catholicism and the sea.

  • Michelle Rogge Gannon adores reading and writing fiction when she is not running the writing center and teaching courses in English at the University of South Dakota. Michelle has been published in FLASH FICTION MAGAZINE, THE FICTION POOL, and LITBREAK MAGAZINE.

  • Julie Benesh is a graduate of Warren Wilson College’s Program for Writers, is recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Grant, and her writing can be found in Bestial Noise: A Tin House Fiction Reader, Tin House Magazine (print), Crab Orchard Review, Florida Review, Gulf Stream, Hobart, New World Writing, Cleaver, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and many other places. Read more at

  • Mave Jensen is a writer, witch, and mom who has had lovely nightmares all over the country. She is at home now in Nebraska, where she and her son tell each other spooky stories and drink up the moonlight.

  • Traci L. Musick-Shaffer is a twenty-eight year teaching veteran who lives and works in the tristate area of Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky. She earned a BA from Marshall University in Huntington, W.V., and a MA in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Her writing has appeared in numerous literary journals. She is featured in recent editions of Ruminate Magazine, The Finger Literary Journal, and For Women Who Roar. Currently, she is a contributing writer for and teaches in southern Ohio where she prefers her log cabin country living with her husband, David, and border collie, Holly.

  • Angelo D’Amato, Jr. is a first-grade associate teacher based in Boston, MA. He holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from Lesley University and is working toward an MFA in Poetry from Albertus Magnus College. When he’s not writing, he’s either: thinking about writing, hanging out with his cat Bello, watching comedy sketches on YouTube, or some combination of the three.

  • Alice Lowe’s short prose has been or will be published this year in Burningword, Drunk Monkeys, ellipsis, Festival Review, Change Seven, (mac)ro(mic), and Sport Literate. She’s been twice cited in Best American Essays “Notables” and nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Alice writes about life, literature, food and family in San Diego, California and at

  • Daniel Klawitter, among other things, has been an ordained minister and preacher, a labor rights activist, the lead singer/lyricist for the Indie rock band Mining for Rain, and a poetry book reviewer for The author of six books of poetry (the majority published by Kelsay Books), his poems have appeared widely in journals and magazines, both online and in print, in Australia, the UK, and the U.S. He is the recipient of several literary honors, including two Purple Dragonfly Book Awards for Excellence in Children’s Literature.

  • Mary Lee's children’s book, When Grandma’s False Teeth Fly, won the Silver Medal Award from the Military Writers Society of America. A retired Air Force Master Sergeant, she lives in Lacey, Washington.


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